[yandytex] [?? Probable Spam] Fwd: Install disc for Y&Y 2.2

Christina Thiele christina_thiele at carleton.ca
Tue Jul 22 16:06:28 CEST 2008

HD Ecker wrote:
 > Hi,
 > leaving aside the question why you prefer to use Vista (instead of
 > trying to stay with XP, and make some sort of disc image from your old
 > computer), I'd be happy to search in the depths of my bureau for 2.2's
 > install disc [it *must* be somewhere], and make a copy available to you
 > ---- but only if I receive, before this, some positive declaration from
 > someone "official" of the Y&Y "environment" that this would be okay.
 > I hope you understand my hesitating...
 > All the best to you,
 > HD Ecker.
 > - - -
 > ...

A small detail to perhaps consider in this potential exchange of 2.2
discs ...

Over the years of being on this list, it's become clear that versions
of Y&Y TeX differ significantly even if they're all listed as `version
2.2'. There's a third digit that makes all the difference.

It's not usually on the documentation but if you look in the .log
file, in the top lines there should be a specific reference to
it. Here's one I pulled out of an ancient (2004) mail message to the
former `techsupport' list we were running ...

    Y&Y TeX 2.2.4 2001 Sep 14 07:07:38 SN 5046

And if I'm not mistaken, there's also a line somewhere in the
dviwindo.ini file which also gives the explicit subsubversion number.

The reason this is important is because the last distributed version,
2.2.8, had a number of installation problems. While not insurmountable
(I myself did manage to get through them all, but I tell you -- I
learned more than I was willing to!), a slightly `younger' iteration
of the 2.2.* series might be easier to deal with.

Something to consider when working with version 2.2.* ...


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