[yandytex] PSTricks

Sue Rodd jcm at lms.ac.uk
Wed May 9 19:54:34 CEST 2007

Hi all

Does anyone have experience of using PSTricks with the Yand Y system?

I have a paper from an author who has used it for commutative diagrams 
(with \usepackage{pstricks,pst-node}).  He says it works with our style file
on his machine (nonY&Y); my cfg file adds \href, but that's about all that
different otherwise.

I picked up the package from the website and read my Y&Y manual, which says
there are copies of special pstricks.pro and pstricks.con files in the yandy
directory.  I have the latter, but only pstricks2.pro.  Even if I rename
that without the "2", I still get the same error, which is that the arrows
in the diagrams vanish completely, and all the _arrow_ labels appear in a
heap on top of the bottom rightmost _vertex_ label of the diagram!

Her's an example of the input:

   SA \times 1 & SA \times SI & S(A \tensor I) \\
   & & SA
    \ncline{1,1}{1,2}\taput{\mathsf{id} \times s'}

Do I need anything extra in the DVIPSONE command line or something? (I
currently have 
-K -V -*I -j -y 142)

Bright ideas greatly appreciated!!  Thanks a million and all the best

Sue Rodd

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