[yandytex] [Fwd: Re: y&y progress]

Christina Thiele cthiele at ccs.carleton.ca
Wed Sep 6 20:05:49 CEST 2006

Karl Berry wrote:
> Dear Y&Y'ers,
> I earlier estimated that I'd hoped to upload the Y&Y system sources
> somewhere by the end of the summer, and here it is September.  So I
> thought I'd just report in for those who are curious -- I am making
> progress.  I'm guessing I'm somewhere between 80% and 90% done.  I have
> found lots of business communications, proprietary fonts and libraries,
> mailing lists, etc., that should not be made public, so I do feel that I
> just have to keep plodding through it, file by file.
> With TeX Live and TUGboat both heating up, things are getting especially
> busy for me right now, so it'll likely be another month or two before
> it's fully done.
> Thanks in advance for your patience :).
> Karl
> --
> http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/yandytex

Karl, your having taken on this huge task -- and doing it so
thoroughly -- warrants a huge hunk of patience from us all. Even
though the list is relatively quiet, your efforts are very much
appreciated and recognised, I'm quite sure. And not just by us -- I'm
sure Blenda is very grateful that you're taking such care to remove
things that are not for public consumption.

And it sounds like you're very close to the end -- which is notorious
time for losing heart and wanting to just move on to newer jobs. So
please know that we're cheering you on.


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