current state of Y&Y web site

Moreland Hogan moreland at PERIGEE.NET
Mon Feb 7 14:15:25 CET 2005

It's been taken over by an underware company in Arizona--the ultimate

Seriously, there are people out there like me, a TeX user since
198-something who migrated (under pressure from a long job that couldn't
accept TeX's habit of moving figures around without warning) to
FrameMaker.Bjut I still kept my Y&Y TeX up to date until moving to
Windows XP. Would like to return to the brave days (TeX) of yesteryear,
specifically with the last revision of Y&Y. Any possibility of getting
online again: there must be legions (or at least a crowd) of Y&Y people.

Moreland Hogan
2305 E. 5th St.
Charlotte, NC 28204

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