Lucida bright from two sources?

Walter Schmidt at GMX.NET
Fri Dec 16 13:49:15 CET 2005

Am 16.12.2005 um 03:18 schrieb Karl Berry:

> Finally, you mentioned the Y&Y TeX system.  I believe that neither the
> pctex font package nor the tug font package will work as-is with Y&Y
> TeX, if you don't already have the original Lucida from Y&Y.

In theory, it should be possible to install and use the current metrics,
fd files and macros (both those from TUG and those from PCTeX) on a
Y&Y-TeX system -- provided that you know the required directory layout.
You will be able to use the fonts with LY1 encoding, but not with T1/
The new lucimatx package, too, supports LY1 still; I just could not test
it on Y&Y-TeX.


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