Lucida Fonts: purchase and installation for YandY

Walter Schmidt at GMX.NET
Thu Sep 2 13:37:20 CEST 2004

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 18:51:28 -0700, Jochen Autschbach wrote:

> instead of running latex with "lucidabr.ins" as input I had
> to use "lucidabr.yy".

Oops, this should have been clear from my reply already,
but now I see that there was a misleading typo.  The
relevant paragraph should have read:

* Running the installation script lucidabr.yy through LaTeX
would create FDs for both _text_ and _math_ fonts, using
Y&Y-style names.  They are to be used with the TFMs you get
from Y&Y, and they support _only_ LY1 encoding for the text fonts.


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