Problems accessing euro symbol in Y&Y TeX

Walter Schmidt at GMX.NET
Sun Oct 31 15:32:24 CET 2004

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 15:21:16 -0400, James R. Wilson wrote:

>\usepackage[LY1]{fontenc}       % specify text font encoding
>\usepackage[LY1,mtbold]{mathtime}   % switch math fonts
>\usepackage{times}          % switch text fonts (redundant)

The original Times fonts did not include the Euro symbol,
so the ly1-encoded metrics for the Times don't link to it.
If you were using a font family which _does_ have an Euro
symbol, you could use it via the command \texteuro, as soon
as LY1 encoding is active.

(NB:  The Nimbus fonts in you TeX system, which are used as
Times substitutes, _do_ have Euro symbols.  Ditto newer
version of Times.  However, the font metrics need to work also
with the old originals from the Base35 font set, or with older
printers, so they cannot rely on the existence of the Euro in
these fonts.)


This package loads a particular symbol font for the Euro symbol.
The symbol is used through a macro named \euro, rather than
\texteuro (!); see also the documentation of the package.  The
font is available both in MF and Postscript format, and it should
be possible to use it with the Y&Y TeX system.

Use of a package like this makes sense, if your normal text fonts
have no Euro of their own.  That's exactly your situation.
An alternative package is eurosans.sty, which uses the free Type1
Euro fonts from Adobe, and which should also work with Y&Y-TeX,
since it does not rely on virtual fonts.


The textcompanion symbols (i.e., the TS1 character set) of the
Times family are implemented as virtual fonts, so you cannot
use them with Y&Y-TeX.  Your LaTeX system has no related
font definition file ts1ptm.fd for Times with TS1 encoding,
so LaTeX substitutes CM for Times, and you end up with the ugly
Euro symbol from Computer Modern:

> tcrm1000        at 10pt         encoding: 47wpsj..


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