Problems with production of PS and PDF files

Radek.Zakrzewski at Radek.Zakrzewski at
Fri Jan 16 14:42:38 CET 2004

Hello all!

I have a YandY Tex System that I bought in July 2000 (the "about" button
says DVIWindo (32) Previewer 2.2.4.) At that time I was running NT. I used
it infrequently but with no problems. My new machine runs Windows 2000
Professional. I installed YandY Tex onto it, using the 2000 Pro option. I am
able to compile my old Latex sources into DVI, no problem. However, I am not
successful in producing PS or PDF files. I tried this on my old Latex
sources as well as on the "hello_mt.tex" sample file supplied by YandY.

Here's what happens in detail. I Latexed the "hello_mt.tex" and it produces
"hello_mt.dvi". It appears nicely in the preview window of DVIWindo, with
all symbols displayed correctly. Then I go to "Print" command. I tried these

Attempt 1.
I set "Print to file" and "Use DVIPSONE" to be turned on. Printer is my
standard Postscript printer. But after clicking print I get the message

DVIPSONE -v -d=C:\yandy\TEXINPUT\ C:\yandy\TEXINPUT\hello_mt.dvi
ERROR: Can't make output file `C:\yandy\TEXINPUT\' (wb)
`C:\yandy\TEXINPUT\': Permission denied
 while opening output file while opening output file

The directory is not write-protected, and there is no such PS file there to
begin with. After this, there is an empty (0 bytes) file "" in
the directory. The "permission denied" thing makes no sense to me.

Attempt 2.
Instead of a printer, I set the destination to Acrobat Distiller. "Print to
file" and "Use DVIPSONE" are still   turned on. There are no error messages
but the newly created "" is empty (0 bytes).

Attempt 3.
Set the destination to Acrobat PDFWriter. "Print to file" is still turned
on. "Use DVIPSONE" gets turned off when I choose the PDFWriter, so I leave
it off. This produces still an empty PS file. There is a PDF created and
it's almost correct, but some elements are garbled. E.g. "difficult" becomes
"dif?cult", "first" becomes "?rst", "flight" becomes "?ight", "afflicts"
becomes "af?icts", "efflux" becomes "ef?ux", "souffles" becomes "souf?es",
and "file" is displayed as "?le".

Would you have any ideas why do I have these effects: the bogus "permission
denied" error, the zero size PS file and the garbled "fl" and "fi" letter
combinations (not in all words, though; e.g. "differently" comes out

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


Radoslaw R. Zakrzewski
Goodrich Corporation, Fuel and Utility Systems
100 Panton Road, Vergennes, VT 05491, USA
Phone: (802) 877 4757, Fax: 802-877-4444
E-mail: radek.zakrzewski at

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