Times SC fonts

Richard Steenis ponyexpress at primemail.com
Thu Jan 8 19:42:46 CET 2004

I have not tried printing the file that has the font errors.  In checking the
fonts used in the file, it shows 'UNKNOWN' for the face name and style
associated with the fonts tirsc 8 pt and 10 pt that generated the
errors.  Is there
a way to specify a font substitution?


At 07:58 AM 1/8/04 , you wrote:
>ponyexpress at primemail.com writes:
> >
> > I am trying to use the IEEE style for a paper but am getting fonts errors,
> > tirsc(0) and tirsc(12).  Can anyone suggest how I can get rid of these
> > errors or how and where I can obtain the needed fonts?
> >
> > Thank you for your help,
> > Richard
> >
> >
>Mimi's posted my ;-) detailed message on installing the SC fonts --
>but she didn't really spell out the main point: you have to actually
>_buy_ tirsc (Times SmallCaps) from Adobe or whoever. It's not part of
>the default suite of Times fonts that anyone ever gets. So it's not
>that Y&Y or Y&YTeX doesn't give it to you -- no-one `gives' it away
>Interesting, though, that a style file wants you to access a font that
>you can only get if you buy it. Normally, I'd have thought that a
>style file (certainly for such wide distribution as IEEE ones get)
>would want to keep the font selections down to those that are
>publicly/freely available ...
>Have you tried just ignoring the font error messages and printing the
>results? Is there a font substitution done that might be acceptable?
>Keep in mind that very often, publicly available style files are for
>authors to just get their stuff to print on paper -- in-house
>production probably has all the necessary fonts for final
>production. That way, authors get to process their papers with the
>almost-correct fonts without doing the font investment thing.

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