Times SC fonts

Christina Thiele cthiele at ccs.carleton.ca
Thu Jan 8 09:58:09 CET 2004

ponyexpress at primemail.com writes:
> I am trying to use the IEEE style for a paper but am getting fonts errors,
> tirsc(0) and tirsc(12).  Can anyone suggest how I can get rid of these
> errors or how and where I can obtain the needed fonts?
> Thank you for your help,
> Richard

Mimi's posted my ;-) detailed message on installing the SC fonts --
but she didn't really spell out the main point: you have to actually
_buy_ tirsc (Times SmallCaps) from Adobe or whoever. It's not part of
the default suite of Times fonts that anyone ever gets. So it's not
that Y&Y or Y&YTeX doesn't give it to you -- no-one `gives' it away

Interesting, though, that a style file wants you to access a font that
you can only get if you buy it. Normally, I'd have thought that a
style file (certainly for such wide distribution as IEEE ones get)
would want to keep the font selections down to those that are
publicly/freely available ...

Have you tried just ignoring the font error messages and printing the
results? Is there a font substitution done that might be acceptable?
Keep in mind that very often, publicly available style files are for
authors to just get their stuff to print on paper -- in-house
production probably has all the necessary fonts for final
production. That way, authors get to process their papers with the
almost-correct fonts without doing the font investment thing.


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