
Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at
Thu Jan 8 13:35:42 CET 2004

> I have Y & Y version 2.2.6.  The bibtex executable is located in the
> following directory: yandy\Bibtex.  It has a date of 11/20/00 and a size
> of 164 KB.  In a message a few months ago someone stated they had
> a version of Bibtex dated 26-Sep-01 and with size172 KB.

sounds as if an upgrade might be in order: mimi is more of an expert
there than i am.

> The error message states that I am out of registers.

that doesn't sound like a bibtex error message.  (i have the source of
the original bibtex on-line here, and it doesn't contain the word
"register" at all.)

could you cut-and-paste the message, or copy it out in full, please?

Robin Fairbairns

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