about the euro symbol ...

Christina Thiele cthiele at CCS.CARLETON.CA
Sat Dec 4 16:22:58 CET 2004

A propos of nothing ... it's a Saturday afternoon and I'm avoiding
thinking about supper for the family ... ;-)

I've just invested (heavily ;-) ) in the new edition of _The LaTeX
Companion_, and they've got a ton of info on the euro -- from what
fonts currently have it to how to construct a make-do version. This
topic has come up from time to time here, and the absence of a euro
symbol is quite a problem for some. So I thought I'd pass this along.

Now, they say the book's not really a new edition so much as a whole
new book under the old title ;-) This section certainly is new. It's
section 7.8.7, pp.407-412 ... about 6 pages' worth on one symbol! But
for anyone who absolutely has to have it now -- and not someday when
their font comes along -- it's probably very useful info.


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