Installing Type I fonts in Windows XP

David Ireland david at
Sun Nov 23 00:09:40 CET 2003

Dear Christina and all who have chipped in on this,

I have spent hours looking through the books (Goossens, Kopka, Lamport) and
various resources on CTAN and the web that have been recommended, and I
think I followed them, though they reminded me of the instructions for a
children's slide where I was helpfully instructed to "join the underarmof
the slide to the flattop, take care the hole not".  But obviously I'm still
missing something as I can't get anything to run in New Baskerville.

This is my understanding of how it should work:

My document.tex is structured
\usepackage{pnb}  %To specify the font to be used throughout

The command \usepackage{pnb} looks for
\ProvidesPackage{pnb}[1998/07/06: DI created 22 Nov]
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pnb}  %%which sets the font as pnb  (adapted from

which looks at the font definition file (copied from the Y&Y CD)
   [1997/02/26  LY1/pnc (NewBaskerville) with Karl Berry file names. (LV)]
\DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pnb}{m}{n}{<-> pnbr8y}{}
\DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pnb}{m}{it}{<-> pnbri8y}{}
\DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pnb}{b}{n}{<-> pnbb8y}{}
\DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pnb}{b}{it}{<-> pnbbi8y}{}
% We silently treat bold extended as bold
\DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pnb}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * pnb/b/n}{}
\DeclareFontShape{LY1}{pnb}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * pnb/b/it}{}

Now, I have files pnbr8[x].fd, where x = t, c or r but not y.  Can I convert
them into 'y's and, if so, will this mean that ly1pnb.fd will find the files
and my DVI file will look all lovely in New Baskerville?   (DVI font
encoding set to TeXnANSI, hence the need for 'y' files)

One other point; the files provided by Adobe were of the form NBR, NBI,
NBBR, NBBI, but I don't have atm files with 'pnb' names.  Should there be?
Or do I somehow need to link the NB* files to pnb ones?

And where do the afm, pfm, pfb and tfm files come in to all this?  Are they
all to enable DVIWindo to display the fonts correctly?

I will crack this if it kills me!  In the meantime, any advice gratefully



-----Original Message-----
From: Techsupport-owner at [mailto:Techsupport-owner at]On
Behalf Of Christina Thiele
Sent: 21 November 2003 15:58
To: Techsupport at
Subject: Re: Installing Type I fonts in Windows XP

Mimi Burbank writes:
> ...
> with Windowx XP I believe you can use the "lite" version of ATM...
>   this might help with the displaying issue

I'm sorry to contradict, but ATM is NOT for installation at all on
Win2000/XP machines -- only for organising the fonts. So at this
point, I'd suggest keeping ATM out of the discussion. Also, I'd
suggest reviewing past mail messages to check whether it's lite that's
recommended -- or really contra-indicated -- for XP ;-) I forget. But
I don't believe ATM has anything to add at this point.

> 3)  in the c:\yandy\dvips\psnfssx folder is where I found the
>        basker.sty file on my unix box - so that is where I'd put
>        it...    You also need a "" file in there -
>        maybe cloned from one of the  other map files...
> 4) you might want to go to   and
>    get the contents of
> you can download entire directories- so be careful what you choose  ;-)
> I don't think I'd use their tfm fonts though...

Agreed. The .tfm fonts have to have the same encoding -- texnansi, for
most of us -- as the PFB/PFM files. And I'd say that generating .tfm
files within DVIWindo is not only very easy (just button clicks) but
also the safest way to ensure that they've got the right encoding.

> read the readme files, and put the necessary  .fd and map and
> config files where all the others are on your system...
> hope this helps - it is sort of  "rambling" and I've done none of
> these things on my system, so I can't say for sure...
> mimi


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