.bmp won't work here either -- but try this .tif version

Christina Thiele cthiele at ccs.carleton.ca
Thu Mar 6 10:59:49 CET 2003

Dan Haugland writes:
> The application is producing utility bills, so in generating the TeX file we
> will simultaneously generate a chart for each.  Thousands of images.  It
> would be far preferable to use the generated chart directly rather than
> introduce a conversion step.

Of course.

> This component is rather limited...looks like we might need to invest in
> another component that will give us more control over the generated format.
> Thanks for your help and suggestions though.

A component of Delphi? Hmm. Yes. Well, if there's any possibility of
getting more output options from Delphi, then tiff and Postscript
would certainly be good -- the former apparently a better choice as
it's far less verbose, according to the smaller manual on p.31.

I wish I could help more. Well, I can ... sort of. Y&Y is in the final
stages of setting up a proper LISTSERV for users of its products, TeX
and fonts, to put them in touch with one another, to help deal with
all the variations and choices, much less nasty little niggles that
arise in any highly specialised software on a windows platform these

If you have no luck with Delphi options for other output formats, I'd
encourage you to post a description of your dilemma to this new
list. You just never know who's out there with a similar situation.
Any announcement will be made via the usual public venus (e.g.,
comp.text.tex) and of course the Y&Y website.

> As a side note, what is your connection to YandY?  You are Christina Thiele
> of TUGboat fame, right?

Yup. That's me. I'm also a Y&YTeX user for certain projects (my main
platform is unix) and so I try to lend a hand sometimes when there are
tons of queries to support at yandy.com.

> danno
> ...


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