by the by ... commflag.txt

Christina Thiele cthiele at
Thu Aug 28 21:36:29 CEST 2003

I found this file, commflag.txt, in c:\yandy\doc-misc ...

Very interesting reading in that it includes not only the documented
flags for various `things' such as dvipsone and dviwindo, TeX command
lines, and so on, but also the UNdocumented flags.

For the more advanced or aware user, for sure, but what a treasure
trove of flags, if you're into that kind of thing ;-)


P.S. Perhaps we should post info of this kind here as well: that is,
     if you find a useful .txt file or other kind of info (perhaps a
     handy nugget buried somewhere in the manuals), post a note along
     with the full path (e.g., there are almost a dozen `readme.txt'
     files strewn across various folders). Granted, some of these
     are old chestnuts that may not longer apply, but most are
     probably still of some use to someone ...

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