[Xy-pic] Fw: Xy-pic and Qcircuit

Daniel Müllner nospamplease at stanford.edu
Thu Mar 10 01:40:34 CET 2011

Hi all,

I am Daniel Müllner, the developer of Xy-pic's recent PDF driver. At 
this stage, it is not clear to me which of these errors are caused by 
the PDF driver and which by the the other extensions or the core Xy-pic.

To facilitate my part, Bryan and Steve, could you maybe isolate the 
errors that are caused by the PDF driver. Those are:

1) Errors that occur when you compile the document with pdfLaTeX but 
don't occur with LaTeX.


2) Errors that vanish when you write \xypdfoff in the document preamble.

As Kris mentioned, a minimal TeX file (as short as possible but with a 
preamble so that I can run it through LaTeX and reproduce the errors) 
will be most helpful.



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