[Xy-pic] Conflict between unicode-math and xypic

Rémy Oudompheng remyoudompheng at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 23:04:33 CET 2010


I am encountering a problem when using simultaneously xypic and
unicode-math packages with lualatex. The following file compiles
correctly with xelatex:

\setmathfont{XITS Math}
\xymatrix{ a \ar[r] & b }

It should show something like "a -> b". However, using lualatex
replaces the arrow by a big fat line. Removing the \setmathfont line
fixes the problem. How can I debug this ? It seems to have appeared
during an update of either luaotfload or unicode-math, but using an
old version of xypic also works.

I attached uncompressed PDF files showing the right and the wrong output.

Rémy Oudompheng
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