[Xy-pic] problem after 3.7 -> 3.8.1 upgrade

Daniel Müllner nospamplease at stanford.edu
Wed Jun 16 19:17:02 CEST 2010

Dear Gabriele,

there are three possibilities to compile your document correctly:

1) Write \usepackage[dvips]{xy} in your document preamble and compile it by

      latex xytest.tex
      dvips -N0 xytest.dvi
      ps2pdf xytest.ps

as you did before.

2) Leave the document as it is and compile it with pdfLaTeX:

      pdflatex xytest.tex

3) Leave the document as it is and compile it with LaTeX and dvipdfm(x):

      latex xytest.tex
      dvipdfmx -V 5 xytest.dvi

(I personally prefer the last method. No. 1 is one unnecessary step, and 
No. 2 usually produces larger PDF files. But each possibility is fine if 
your document workflow requires one of these procedures.)




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