[Xy-pic] revised: brackets for \xymatrix diagrams in xy?

Roger Hart rhart at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Mar 12 22:59:00 CET 2007

Please ignore at least parts of my previous message. I managed to  
figure out how to set the parentheses properly, without interfering  
with the arrows between the two \xymatrix diagrams. I altered the  
code in my previous message by adding brackets around the first  
\xymatrix, and appending "**\frm{(}**\frm{)}":

			{\xymatrix"*"@1@=0mm at M=0mm at R=.5mm at C=.5mm{#1}}**\frm{(}**\frm{)}%
			\xymatrix at 1@=0pt at M=0pt at R=.5mm{#4}%

But I am still looking for a better solution: if possible, I should  
be using brackets instead of parentheses, and I would prefer them  
thinner (the parentheses, or hopefully, brackets), so that it would  
look more like the standard mathematical notation.

Again, thanks very much for your patience with these relatively  
elementary questions,



Roger Hart
Assistant Professor, Departments of History and Asian Studies
University of Texas at Austin

office: Room 470, Burdine Hall
office phone: 512-475-7258
department fax: 512-475-7222
email: rhart at mail.utexas.edu


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