[Xy-pic] color output with xy?

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Fri Jan 6 00:44:00 CET 2006

Hello Roger,

On 06/01/2006, at 2:36 AM, Roger Hart wrote:

> I have what I'm afraid is another novice question about xy, and  
> xymatrix in particular. For a presentation I am working on, I would  
> like to set xy so that it produces everything in white, against my  
> black presentation background. I'm using Mac OS X, TeXShop, ps4pdf,  
> and xy. I'm using \usepackage[dvips,ps,all,color]{xy}. I've tried  
> various things but without any success. Is there a way to use add  
> one command to globally change the color to white in all my xy  
> pics? I don't want to change each object, one at a time. Thanks for  
> your patience,

What happens when you wrap  \color{white}  around your diagrams ?

    \begin{xy} %  or  \xymatrix{....} etc.
   }%  revert the color to normal

If this gives you the correct effect, then you can try using
Xy-pic's \everyxy command; viz.


Another possibility is to use  \everyentry{[white]} .
This should act on all the cells of any  \xymatrix  command,
but *not* on arrows between cells.

Hope this helps,


> Roger

Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia  2109                            fax: +61 +2 9850 8114

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