[Xy-pic] Re: Problem with curved arrows to circular regions

Bjarte M. Oestvold bjarte at nr.no
Mon Mar 1 12:48:55 CET 2004

"Bjarte M. Oestvold" <bjarte at nr.no> writes:

> I've made an xymatrix where curved arrows go between circular regions.
> The problem is that the arrows are slightly short, i.e., they do not
> quite reach their target.  (Squares are no problem.)  Here's a minimal
> example of the problem:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I mangaged to include the wrong example, sorry.
Here's the correct one:



  \cistate{AAAA} \ar@/_1pc/[r]_{a} &
  \cistate{BBBB} \ar@/_1pc/[l]_{b}\\

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Did I misunderstand something? Or can I rewrite my code to avoid the
> problem?  (I'm using Xy-pic version 3.7 <1999/02/16>.)
> Sorry if this is a FAQ -- I tried to find an answer.  If I missed it a
> pointer to a FAQ-answer will be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
>   Bjarte
> -- 
> Bjarte M. Østvold       <bjarte at nr.no>          +47 22 85 26 22 (direct)
> Norsk Regnesentral/Norwegian Computing Center   +47 22 85 25 00 (switchboard)
> Postboks 114 Blindern, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway     +47 22 69 76 60 (fax)


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