[Xy-pic] A possible bug in labels for the arrow extension? (fwd)

Richard Lewis mapc01 at bangor.ac.uk
Fri Aug 29 16:03:51 CEST 2003

Ben Whale <whale at maths.anu.edu.au> writes:

> Hi everyone,
>   So here is the troublesome xy-pic code.
> \ar[ldd]|!{[lld];[rd]}{\quad} doesn't insert \quad wher I want it to,
> however, \ar[ldd]|!{[lld];[rd]}{d \quad d} will put the \quad in the right
> place (along with the unwanted characters).  What's going on here?

I don't know, and I couldnt compile your code below, as i don't know
what \DW and \UP are.  I'm also not sure what you are trying to
achieve with the \quad, but if you wanted a gap in the arrow then you
can use \hole as in:

\xymatrix{a&b&c&d&e & X \ar[ldd]|!{[lld];[rd]}{\hole} & 2 & 3 & 4\\

Is that what you wanted?

> The full code is
> \xymatrix@!R@!C{
>    &&&&& {m'}\ar@{=}[rrr]\ar[ldd] &&& m'\ar@{=}[ddd]\DW[ldd]\UP[ldd]\\
>    \\
>    & k \DW[rrr]\UP[rrr] &&& m'\oplus p \DW[rrr]\UP[rrr]\ar[ddl]
>                         &&& m \ar@{=}[ddd]\DW[ldd]\UP[ldd]\\
>    &&&&&{m'}\ar@{=}'[u][uuu]\ar[ldd]|!{[lld];[rd]}{ \quad  }
>          &&&m'\UP[ldd]\DW[ldd]\ar@{=}'[l][lll]|!{[uuu];[lld]}{\quad}  \\
>    k \ar@{=}[uur]\ar[rrr] &&& p \ar[rrr] &&& m'' \ar@{=}[ddd]\\
>    &\tilde{k}\ar'[u][uuu]\DW@{-}[rr]\UP@{-}[rr]
> &&\DW[r]\UP[r]&m'\oplus\tilde{p}\DW@{-}[rr]\UP@{-}[rr]\ar'[u][uuu]\ar[ldd]
>          &&\DW[r]\UP[r]&m \UP[ldd]\DW[ldd] \\
>    \\
>    \tilde{k}\ar@{=}[ruu]\ar[uuu]\ar[rrr]&&&\tilde{p}\ar[uuu]\ar[rrr] &&&
> m''\\
>    & q\ar@{=}[ldd]\ar'[u][uuu]&&&
> q\ar@{=}[ldd]\ar'[u][uuu]\ar@{=}'[l][lll]\\
>    \\
>    q\ar[uuu]\ar@{=}[rrr] &&& q\ar[uuu]\\
>   }
> But why would you want to read that, its far to messy!!
> cheers,
> Ben Whale
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