[Xy-pic] plotting a curve
Les Saper
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 08:35:17 -0500
What about the following variant:
\usepackage[arrow,curve,frame,matrix]{xy} % for .pdf
. . . < lines omitted> . . .
- Les Saper
Leslie Saper e-mail: saper@math.duke.edu
Director of Graduate Studies phone: 919-660-2843
Department of Mathematics Fax: 919-660-2821
Duke University
Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320
On Oct 31,2002 11:59:15 +0100, Sven Hartrumpf <Sven.Hartrumpf@fernuni-hagen.de> wrote :
>Hi all.
>I am trying to plot a curve using xy-pic; the xyc.tex file is at the end
>of this mail (also at: http://pi7.fernuni-hagen.de/hartrumpf/xyc.tex )
>The result (http://pi7.fernuni-hagen.de/hartrumpf/xyc.pdf) is not perfect
>- the curve does not stop were it should (returns somehow)
>- the axes are not as long as expected
>- I would like to shift the symbols on the axes a little bit.
>Thanks in advance
>Sven Hartrumpf
>Computer Science VII
>University of Hagen
>58084 Hagen - Germany
>\usepackage[arrow,curve,frame,matrix]{xy} % for .pdf
>Xy-pic mailing list