[XeTeX] Building a XeLaTeX format
Philip Taylor
P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Thu Mar 25 09:16:26 CET 2021
Yannis Haralambous wrote:
> I would like to test some hyphenation patterns with XeLaTeX (so that I
> can use polyglossia).
> When I try to compile the xelatex format by
> *xetex -ini -etex xelatex.ini*
> I get a bunch of error messages
No such error reported here, Yannis. See attached log.
/** Phil (Philip Taylor)/
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This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999993 (TeX Live 2021/W32TeX) (INITEX) 25 MAR 2021 08:14
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Unicode character data,
load-unicode-data.tex v1.14 (2020-10-24)
Reading Unicode data
# UnicodeData-13.0.0.txt
# Modified 2020-03-12 11:00:00 GMT [JAW]
Local configuration file hyphen.cfg used
File: hyphen.cfg 2021/03/03 3.55 Babel hyphens
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German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography) `dehypht-x' 2021-02-26 (W
\l at german-x-latest=\language3
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dehyph-exptl: using a TeX engine with native UTF-8 support.
German Hyphenation Patterns (Reformed Orthography, 2006) `dehyphn-x' 2021-02-26
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UTF-8 Afrikaans hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Hyphenation patterns for Ancient Greek
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Greek hyphenation patterns for Ibycus encoding, v3.0)
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\l at bulgarian=\language12
UTF-8 Bulgarian hyphenation patterns
Bulgarian hyphenation patterns (options: --safe-morphology --standalone-tex, ve
rsion 21 October 2017)))
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UTF-8 Galician hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Georgian hyphenation patterns
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x UTF-8 German hyphenation patterns (traditional orthography)
German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography) `dehypht-x' 2019-04-04 (W
\l at ngerman=\language33
x UTF-8 German hyphenation patterns (reformed orthography)
German Hyphenation Patterns (Reformed Orthography, 2006) `dehyphn-x' 2019-04-04
\l at swissgerman=\language34
.tex UTF-8 Swiss-German hyphenation patterns (traditional orthography)
Swiss-German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography) `dehyphts-x' 2019-0
4-04 (WL)))
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UTF-8 Hindi hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Malayalam hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Marathi hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Oriya hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Pali hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Panjabi hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Tamil hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Telugu hyphenation patterns
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ASCII Indonesian hyphenation patterns
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ASCII Hyphenation patterns for Interlingua
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UTF-8 Piedmontese hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Romanian hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Romansh hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Russian hyphenation patterns
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x UTF-8 Serbian hyphenation patterns
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(c:/TeX/Live/2021/texmf-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph/loadhyph-sk.tex UT
F-8 Slovak hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Slovenian hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Spanish hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Swedish hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Thai hyphenation patterns
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UTF-8 Turkish hyphenation patterns
\l at turkmen=\language82
UTF-8 Turkmen hyphenation patterns
\l at ukrainian=\language83
UTF-8 Ukrainian hyphenation patterns
\l at uppersorbian=\language84
UTF-8 Upper Sorbian hyphenation patterns
\l at welsh=\language85
UTF-8 Welsh hyphenation patterns
File: latex2e-first-aid-for-external-files.ltx 2020/12/14 v1.0i LaTeX kernel fi
xes to external files and packages
) )
Beginning to dump on file xelatex.fmt
(preloaded format=xelatex 2021.3.25)
88601 strings of total length 424378
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20098 multiletter control sequences
\font\c__fp_exp_intarray=cmr10 at 0.00002pt
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53 for language 80
127 for language 79
195 for language 78
71 for language 77
248 for language 76
66 for language 75
66 for language 74
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119 for language 72
43 for language 71
58 for language 70
7 for language 69
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23 for language 66
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852 for language 64
21 for language 63
38 for language 62
38 for language 61
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25 for language 57
316 for language 56
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37 for language 54
229 for language 53
38 for language 52
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7 for language 49
6 for language 48
12 for language 47
6 for language 46
6 for language 45
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6 for language 43
6 for language 42
6 for language 41
6 for language 40
6 for language 39
147 for language 38
185 for language 37
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44 for language 35
460 for language 34
475 for language 33
478 for language 32
39 for language 31
76 for language 30
40 for language 29
89 for language 28
31 for language 27
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148 for language 7
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137 for language 5
424 for language 4
432 for language 3
2 for language 1
181 for language 0
No pages of output.
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