AW: XeLaTeX under Win10

Niemann, Hartmut hartmut.niemann at
Wed Mar 13 17:44:54 CET 2019


In my environment, I think it is a bad idea to rely on any windows fonts being available in every system now and in the future,
so I keep the fonts I need with my project and specify the path to them.
I want to choose my fonts for my document needs, and "is installed on this corporate windows PC today" is not an important font property.

It works well, but I admit I have not fully understood everything involved.

\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}  %

% Siemens Professional OTF
            Path=C:/SIBAS32/BETA/DPS/tex/Siemens_Professional_6.0_beta_OTF/,  % Suchpfad nehmen
            BoldFont = SiemensSerif_Prof_Bold.otf ,
            ItalicFont = SiemensSerif_Prof_Italic.otf ,
            BoldItalicFont = SiemensSerif_Prof_BoldItalic.otf ]%

Maybe for the original poster's colleague, specifying the PATH in setmainfont is enough, maybe choosing the fonts and storing them with the document
classes and styles is the way to go?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr. Hartmut Niemann

Siemens Mobility GmbH

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