[XeTeX] xelatex to doc?

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 22:02:22 CET 2018


this is not a matter of a TECkit mapping used as an input but a matter of
\XeTeXgenerateactualtext, it should help.

Zdeněk Wagner

2018-01-30 18:57 GMT+01:00 Hueckstedt, Robert A. (rah2k) <rah2k at virginia.edu

> With a publisher’s permission I used xelatex to provide them copy, not
> camera-ready copy, for a long book that has Sanskrit in Devanagari  and an
> English translation. Of course, the files I provided the publisher are
> pdfs. Now, the publisher wants them in doc. When they try to cut and paste
> from the pdf to doc, none of the conjunct consonants are recognized in the
> doc file. I used the velthuis-sanskrit mapping, and I am wondering if using
> the RomDev mapping would make a difference. I somehow doubt it. Suggestions?
> Gratefully,
> Bob Hueckstedt
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