[XeTeX] Fake italics for some characters only

Benct Philip Jonsson bpj at melroch.se
Wed Dec 5 17:19:37 CET 2018

John, Zdenek, thanks for your most helpful hints.

Below is what I came up with eventually, with MWE attached. The 
spacing adjustments are still subject to change. I have no idea 
why the spacing adjustments are required in roman! It turns out I 
need to fake bold as well, and I will probably need to redefine 
`\textbf` eventually, without breaking things I hope!

John, your version worked once I had removed most whitespace, 
which leaked through to the output, but I ended up using more 
LaTeXy language to help myself keep things straight in my head 
when I added the bold(italic) alternatives.

Ross, I believe I am subscribed with my bpj at melroch.se address. If 
there is a problem with this mail too I'm probably not, otherwise 
there may have been a glitch with using an alternate From address 
on my phone. I have my email forwarded around a lot these days. 
Hard to disentagle!


\newcommand\objLang[1]{{\italictrue\textit{#1}}} % (double braces 
to keep things local).
\newcommand\fakeBSChar[1]{% #1 = the char

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