[XeTeX] problem with discretionary

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 12:09:34 CET 2017

2017-12-03 11:58 GMT+01:00 jfbu <jfbu at free.fr>:

> Thanks Zdeněk!
> Should I thus conclude from this that polyglossia + French is currently
> broken ?
> indeed the file gloss-french.ldf uses hardcoded 255 at various locations.

Yes, everything with hardcoded 255 is broken since TL 2016. It was long
enough available in the pre-release and mentioned in the lists for
developers. Please, report it to the maintainer of gloss-french.ldf

Zdeněk Wagner

> I am a bit lost though because my test mwe
> \catcode`@ 11
> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french at punctthin
> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french at punctthin
>      \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french at punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
> \catcode`;\active
> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
> a;b
> \bye
> compiles fine with current XeTeX, but not with TL2015 XeTeX.
> (the @ thing is only to stay close to control sequence names from
> gloss-french.ldf)
> To clarify, the \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}} is analogous
> to
> the kind of things Sphinx does in verbatim listings to allow linebreaks,
> but isn't the exact thing.
> Anyway, it does not originate from polyglossia nor
> gloss-french.ldf but is a Sphinx add-on inside code listings.
> If the problem can be solved by a patch at macro level, that would
> be best, because it would allow the CPython internationalization
> team to build their PDF docs without worrying about which XeTeX
> they use, I notice some of their team uses Debian 2013.
> Best
> Jean-François
> Le 3 déc. 2017 à 11:01, Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wagner at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> please, notice that the number of character classes was increased from 256
> to 4096, so 255 no longer works as a boundary but 4095 must be used. I use
> the following code that I took from some other package:
> \edef\CSat{\the\catcode`\@} % in order to work in plain XeTeX
> \catcode`\@=11
> \ifdefined\e at alloc@intercharclass at top
>   \chardef\CSboundary=\e at alloc@intercharclass at top
> \else
>   \ifdefined\XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping
>     \chardef\CSboundary=4095 %
>     \def\newXeTeXintercharclass{%
>       \e at alloc\XeTeXcharclass\chardef
>               \xe at alloc@intercharclass\m at ne\@ucharclass at boundary}
>   \else
>     \chardef\CSboundary=255
>   \fi
> \fi
> \catcode`\@=\CSat
> Afterwards I use \CSboundary instead of a fixed number. It thus works both
> with the old and new XeTeX.
> Zdeněk Wagner
> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
> 2017-12-03 10:19 GMT+01:00 jfbu <jfbu at free.fr>:
>> Hi,
>> I need some help to identify which XeTeX release fixed
>> that problem, the mwe is
>> \catcode`@ 11
>> \XeTeXinterchartokenstate=1
>> \newXeTeXintercharclass\french at punctthin
>> \XeTeXcharclass `\; \french at punctthin
>>      \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \french at punctthin = {\nobreak\thinspace}%
>> \catcode`;\active
>> \def;{\discretionary{\char`\;}{}{\char`\;}}
>> a;b
>> \bye
>> In  real life it appeared in a Polyglossia+French context
>> with the semi-colon make active to insert a \discretionary
>> similar to the above. There is no issue in lualatex.
>> It is currently seen at Python upstream (CPython) when
>> they try to build French docs (via Sphinx)
>> https://bugs.python.org/issue31589
>> and it would be nice to pinpoint which XeTeX release
>> precisely is ok. I know 0.99992 is bad and 0.99996 is good,
>> but can't easily bisect.
>> Best,
>> Jean-François
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