[XeTeX] babel
Javier Bezos
listas at tex-tipografia.com
Thu Mar 24 09:11:03 CET 2016
Thank you. See me reply to Zdeněk.
> What is the difference between months.format.wide and
> months.stand-alone.wide?
In most languages, none. This distinction is made by the CLDR,
but I wonder if it's useful here, so very likely the format
branch should be removed.
> In Slovenian one sometimes uses the genetive
> form of the date, like
> Today is "24. marec 2016" (nominativ)
> This happened on "24. marca 2016" (genetiv)
> I don't know whether there is any sane way to encode this though.
From the babel manual:
‘More interesting are differences in the sentence structure or related
to it. For example, in Basque the number precedes the name (including
chapters), in Hungarian “from (1)” is “(1)-b˝ol”, but “from (3)” is
“(3)-ból”, in Spanish an item labelled “3.o” may be referred to as
either “ítem 3.o” or “3.er ítem”, and so on.’
So, yes :-).
> I don't know how months.format.narrow is used, but a single letter is
> completely useless because it's too ambiguous. One uses 24.3.2016 or
> 24.03.2016 (in tables etc. where aligning is important). Whether or
> not there is space in date.short is debatable. (Officially it's
> correct to use space, but almost nobody uses it.) Officially one is
> also supposed to write time with a dot rather than colon, but most use
> a colon.
> German typography doesn't use French spacing as far as I know.
> For Slovenian:
> - OT1 and LY1 are not suitable encondings.
> - Glossary is not a slovenian word. It should probably be "Slovar"
> - headto = Prejme is weird
> - righthyphenmin = 2
> - I don't understand the zillion entries about hyphenchar, but it must
> be similar to other European languages.
> - Having just "quotes =" might not be sufficient if you want to
> automatically support quotes one day like ConTeXt does with
> \quote{...} and \quotation{...}. We use two flavours (one can decide
> to use either one or the other) and in both flavours one has both
> single and double quotes.
> (a) ›single‹ »double«
> (b) ‚single‘ „double“
> - What is meant with "exponential = e"? (I use $2{,}1\cdot 10^{-5}$ or
> perhaps \times instead of \cdot.) Isn't "e" just a convention for
> entering numbers into computers that has absolutely nothing to do with
> typography?
> I'm not sure if it's correct to use "po n. št." or just "n. št." (at
> some point you will probably have to introduce comments in those ini
> files). But we don't have BCE. So you might want to use something like
> this (I don't want to certify correctness):
> eras.abbreviated.0-alt-variant = pr. Kr.
> eras.abbreviated.0 = pr. n. št.
> eras.abbreviated.1 = po n. št.
> eras.abbreviated.1-alt-variant = po Kr.
> eras.wide.0-alt-variant = pred Kristusom
> eras.wide.0 = pred našim štetjem
> eras.wide.1 = našega štetja % or "po našem štetju"
> eras.wide.1-alt-variant = po Kristusu
> eras.narrow.0-alt-variant = pr. Kr.
> eras.narrow.0 = pr. n. št.
> eras.narrow.1 = po n. št.
> eras.narrow.1-alt-variant = po Kr.
> The following is useless (= nobody will understand):
> dayPeriods.format.narrow.am = d
> dayPeriods.format.narrow.noon = n
> dayPeriods.format.narrow.pm = p
> We use numbers 0-23 to denote hour of the day rather than some bogus "d/n/p".
> Mojca
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