[XeTeX] Hyphenation of strings of more than 63 characters

Melroch melroch at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 13:34:46 CET 2016

Might the everyhook package be useful here?

Den 19 mar 2016 23:15 skrev "Jonathan Kew" <jfkthame at gmail.com>:

> On 19/3/16 21:57, Peter Mukunda Pasedach wrote:
>> This seems to work, at least for my test file. I tried on one of my
>> much more complex real files, including reledmac etc., and there your
>> quick hack for first word of paragraph didn't work yet,
> That doesn't surprise me; I'm sure LaTeX will be making use of \everypar
> internally, and overwriting whatever you set.
> I imagine there's probably some kind of package to do this in a properly
> LaTeX-friendly way that will cooperate with the kernel and other packages,
> instead of each of them stomping on the other's settings....
> JK
>  but if I
>> manually add the \hskip 0pt \relax at the beginning of a paragraph
>> then it works there, too. For that I should be able to find a
>> workaround. Great. I'll do some checking of my real files the next
>> days. Thanks for this!
>> Peter
>> On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 10:01 PM, Jonathan Kew <jfkthame at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 19/3/16 20:30, Peter Mukunda Pasedach wrote:
>>>> That would be fmtutil --all? Yes I ran that. Maybe something wrong
>>>> with my test file?
>>> Yes, in a sense... you're running into another quirk of TeX: it doesn't
>>> attempt to hyphenate the first word of a paragraph. And in your file,
>>> every
>>> word is the first word of a paragraph!
>>> A quick hack to work around this, and demonstrate that it is indeed the
>>> problem, would be to add something like
>>>    \everypar={\hskip 0pt \relax}
>>> after your \begin{document}. This will allow those paragraph-initial
>>> words
>>> to be hyphenated.
>>> JK
>>>> ----------
>>>> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>>>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>>>> \usepackage{polyglossia}
>>>> \setdefaultlanguage{sanskrit}
>>>> \newfontfamily{\sanskritfont}{Latin Modern Roman}
>>>> \XeTeXhyphenatablelength=1023
>>>> \begin{document}
>>>> tribhuvanacūḍāmaṇībhūtasaparikaraheyopādeyatattvajñapuruṣapuṇḍarīka
>>>> apramāṇakajaḍavaidikaśabdarāśipramukhasakaladurmatipravādapratihatir
>>>> janmāntaraparivartopāttātītānāgataskandhakadambakopādānopādeyātmāna
>>>> śiśirabharasambhṛtajaḍimamantharatarakāyakāṇḍasyānumitavahnibhāvanābhiyoga
>>>> asmadādiviśeṣaṇaśūnyasyārthasākṣātkāritvamātrasyaivendriyādhīnatva
>>>> asaddṛṣṭilakṣaṇāvidyāparipanthikṣaṇikanairātmyalakṣaṇasarvavastutattvabhāvanāsahitam
>>>> kāryatvasyopādānopakaraṇasaṃpradānaprayojanajñakartṛmātravyāptatve
>>>> prītiparamāṇumūrtyādhāraparatvāparatvānumeyasāmānyasamavāyāntyaviśeṣatadekārthasamavetaparimāṇaikatvapṛthaktvagurutvasnehāpārthivarūparasasparśāpyadravatvāmūrtasaṃyogataditaretarābhāvānutpattirūpārūpam
>>>> vijñānādhārādhīnavacchinnātmobhayavādyavivādāspadapuruṣapūrvakavyatireki
>>>> viśiṣṭānvayavyatirekagrahaṇapravaṇaviśiṣṭapratyakṣānupalambhābhyāṃ
>>>> viśiṣṭānvayavyatirekagrahaṇapravaṇaviśiṣṭapratyakṣānupalambhābhyāṃ
>>>> ekatvavibhutvasarvajñatvanityatvādiguṇaviśiṣṭabuddhimatpūrvakatvam
>>>> viśiṣṭānvayavyatirekagrahaṇapravaṇaviśiṣṭapratyakṣānupalambhasādhaneti
>>>> ghaṭaniścayapūrvakamudgarakṛtakapālānubhavamātrānvayavyatirekānuvidhānadarśanāt
>>>> gauragāndhāramadhurasurabhisukumārasātetarādivicitrākārakadambakam
>>>> \end{document}
>>>> -----
>>>> Peter
>>>> On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 9:18 PM, Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Peter Mukunda Pasedach wrote:
>>>>> I finally managed to build it in such a way that it identifies itself
>>>>>> with the right version number, I had to do a new clone of the sources
>>>>>> for that, didn't find out how to clean them up. Now how do I set the
>>>>>> parameter, as \XeTeXhyphenatablelength=1023 somewhere in my preamble
>>>>>> or as a command line option to xelatex? The former I'm afraid doesn't
>>>>>> work.
>>>>> Could it be that in this line from Jonathan lies a clue ?
>>>>> Note that xetex.fmt (and any other .fmt files) will need to be rebuilt
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> the new version.
>>>>> Philip Taylor
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