[XeTeX] XeTeX Digest, Vol 144, Issue 15

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sun Mar 13 20:32:12 CET 2016

Zdeněk Wagner wrote:

> Someone with better memory than me may probably help. Up to 2012 XeTeX
> used ICU, since 2013 it uses HarfBuzz. Some Indic fonts do not implement
> all features and thus they work with ICU, not with HarfBuzz. There is a
> feature that forces XeTeX to use ICU but I forgot it and cannot find it.

⟨Font options⟩ are only applicable when the font is selected through the
operating system (i.e., without square brackets). They may be any
concatenation of the following:
/ICU Explicitly use the OpenType renderer (deprecated since 0.9999).

Philip Taylor

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