[XeTeX] fontspec and Nikosh font
bpj at melroch.se
Wed Jun 22 01:17:43 CEST 2016
Den 2016-06-21 kl. 23:15, skrev Dominik Wujastyk:
> About the other version of the FreeFonts, see
> http://cikitsa.blogspot.ca/2014/12/gnu-freefont-fonts-and-xelatex.html
Am I remebering correctly that the FreeFont developer was somewhat
annoyed about that build?
BTW any idea where the font gets installed to? Grepping the
texlive tree is tricky for some reason.
> Dominik
> On 21 June 2016 at 03:02, Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wagner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I ran an extensive test of devanagari during the TL 2016 pretest
>> period using XeLaTeX, LuaLaTeX and ConTeXt. I cannot guarantee that my
>> test covers everything but I have not found any error. The only
>> problem is that the released version of FreeFont does not work with
>> HarfBuzz, there is another repository (I forgot it) with a not
>> released version that works or you have to build it from the source
>> avilable from savannah.
>> One of my test files can be found here:
>> http://hroch486.icpf.cas.cz/freefont-devanagari/
>> Zdeněk Wagner
>> http://ttsm.icpf.cas.cz/team/wagner.shtml
>> http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
>> 2016-06-21 10:10 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Kew <jfkthame at gmail.com>:
>>> On 20/6/16 23:22, maxwell wrote:
>>>> Not sure if Will is on this mailing list, but I'm cc'ing him using his
>>>> email address on the fontspec document. (The doc doesn't have the
>>>> co-author's email, Khaled Hosny, but I think I've seen him here.)
>>>> On 2016-06-20 17:55, Jonathan Kew wrote:
>>>>> My guess is that this might be a bug in the TL'16 version of fontspec,
>>>>> which looks like it is intended to support both the "new Indic spec"
>>>>> OpenType tags such as 'dev2', 'bng2', etc, as well as the "old Indic"
>>>>> versions 'deva', 'beng', etc, with preference being given to the v.2
>>>>> tags. Perhaps that feature is broken?
>>>>> ...
>>>>> One way to check what's wrong would be to search for the
>>>>> \newfontscript{Devanagari}{dev2,deva}
>>>>> declaration around line 2247 in fontspec-xetex.sty, and remove "dev2,"
>>>>> from it so that it only looks for the old-style 'deva' tag. If that
>>>>> makes Gargi work without complaint (using [Script=Devanagari] as
>>>>> before), then you've identified a bug in fontspec and should report it
>>>>> to Will.
>>>> I confirm that omitting 'dev2,' from that declaration causes fontspec
>>>> not to emit a warning when I do
>>>> \newfontfamily\sanskritfont[Script=Devanagari]{gargi}
>>>> and similarly for the Nikosh font, fontspec gives a warning when I do
>>>> \newfontfamily\bengalifont[Script=Bengali]{Nikosh}
>>>> unless I change
>>>> \newfontscript{Bengali}{bng2,beng}
>>>> to
>>>> \newfontscript{Bengali}{beng}
>>>> in fontspec-xetex.sty.
>>>> Thanks for the pointer, Jonathan!
>>> The other question I have is whether this is a "harmless" (if alarming)
>>> warning, meaning that fontspec warns when it fails to find the v.2 tag,
>> but
>>> then proceeds to use the old tag and the text is shaped correctly. Or
>> does
>>> it mean that fontspec is failing to use the second tag, so that the
>> proper
>>> Indic shaping does not get applied?
>>> It should be easy to test this with a word like हिन्दी, using the Gargi
>> font
>>> with [Script=Devanagari]. Does the short-i matra ि appear to the left of
>> the
>>> ह, or after it? If it appears to the left (despite the fontspec warning),
>>> then it's correctly falling back to 'deva' when 'dev2' is not found.
>>> JK
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