[XeTeX] xelatex, hyperref, and new TeXLive

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 00:56:32 CEST 2016

On 15 June 2016 at 23:46, maxwell <maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu> wrote:
> With the help of David Carlisle and Herbert Schulz, I've found part of the
> problem.  For some reason, in the (our?) 2016 version, kpsewhich points to
> this hyperref.cfg file:
>    ...texlive/2016/texmf-dist/doc/latex/listings-ext/hyperref.cfg

looking at the listings-ext distribution on ctan that is intended to
be a local configuration for producing the package documentation, it
is not intended to be in the general tex input path (and is not in the
input path of my texlive 2015 or 2016 installations which have only
listings-ext.sty in the latex/listings-ext directory.

> This .cfg file contains a \hypersetup{...} command that specifies 'ps2pdf'.
> Changing that to 'xetex' fixes the problem, at least for xelatex (I'm not
> sure what would happen with other flavors of latex).  (Update: removing the
> line entirely, so it specifies neither xetex nor ps2pdf, works too, and
> presumably won't cause trouble for other latices.)

I think you should remove the file.

> But:
> 1) Why does kpsewhich find that file, instead of this one:
>    ...texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/hyperref.cfg
>    which does not have any \hypersetup{} command, and which would
>    presumably not cause the same problem?

it finds it because it is there:-) if you have two files of the same
name in the same input tree then kpsearch will find one of them but
it's not a very stable setup.

> 2) Why did this change from 2015 to 2016?  We did a pretty vanilla
>    install, I think the only non-default choice we made was to use
>    'letter' instead of 'a4'.

I'm not sure. How come the listings-ext hyperref config got installed
on your system
It isn't in the texlive install I have (which installs everything,
including listings-ext)
it installs into the doc tree and is just used for the listings-ext package doc


> 3) Is this a bug? (meaning should I report it?)

If texlive installed that cfg file then that would seem to be a bug in
tlmgr, but I can't reproduce it here.

>    Mike Maxwell


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