[XeTeX] Strange issue with tanwin, arabxetex
firmicus04 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 13:41:03 CEST 2015
Another possibility would be a recent change in the TECkit engine which is
statically-linked in the XeTeX binary. Because the behaviour you report
takes place at this level. Either the mappings have changed (unlikely
unless through a build mistake), or the way the engine interprets them has.
2015-07-30 12:15 GMT+02:00 Nathan Sidoli <nathan.sidoli at utoronto.ca>:
> On 7/29/15 8:28 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2015, at 2:19 AM, Nathan Camillo Sidoli <sidoli at waseda.jp>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> Over the weekend I updated both my system (to Mac OS 10.10), and TeXlive
>>> (to 2015).
>>> Now I have an issue with tanwin for indefinite accusatives in ArabXeTeX.
>>> Here is a minimal example:
>>> \usepackage[novoc,fdf2noalif]{arabxetex}
>>> %\oldtanwin
>>> \newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.4]{Amiri}% Traditional
>>> Arabic, Amiri
>>> \newcommand{\A}{\textarabic}
>>> \begin{document}
>>> \A{_h.t"aN} $\quad$ \A{m_tl_t"aN}
>>> \bigskip
>>> \A{خطًا} $\quad$ \A{مثلثًا}
>>> \A{%
>>> إذا أضيف إلى خط مستقيم معلوم سطح متوازي الأضلاع معلوم
>>> ينقص عن تمامه سطحًا متوازي الأضلاع معلوم الصورة، فإّنأضلاع السطح
>>> الباقي معلومة
>>> }
>>> \end{document}
>>> When I compile this document, a tanwin in the unicode input (etc., خطًا)
>>> is stripped out in the output. (If I just use polyglossia this does not
>>> happen, but for various reasons I am committed to also using ArabXeTeX.)
>>> This behavior did not happen before the upgrade - that is, the tanwin
>>> appeared as in the input. I have tried switching back to my TeXlive 2014
>>> distribution, but now this behavior is also happening when I compile with
>>> that distribution as well. That is, it seems to have been produced by
>>> updating my OS. I'm not sure what could be causing this behavior and any
>>> suggestions would be welcome.
>>> Best,
>>> Nathan
>> Howdy,
>> On the offhand possibility that there has been an update of arabxetex
>> please also run TeX Live Utility and update all the files. You can find TeX
>> Live Utility in /Applications/TeX.
>> Good Luck,
>> Herb Schulz
>> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
>> Yes, thanks for the suggestion. I had updated everything and this seems
> to have led to the change in behavior. I didn't see an update of arabxetex
> in the list, so I doubt that this has actually changed, but some other
> aspect of my set-up, which is controlling how tanwin is handled has been
> changed.
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