[XeTeX] Wrong dimensions when using \XeTeXpicfile with CMYKimage

Marcel Korpel marcel.lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 22:55:03 CET 2015

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:51 AM, Akira Kakuto <kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp> wrote:
> I have confirmed that xelatex and pdflatex
> give the same results for both of test1.tex
> and test2.tex below.
> Thus I assume that my changes in XeTeX are correct.

Not that I want to question your authority regarding this project, but
I think both are wrong in that case: a 300 DPI image should be
rendered at 300 DPI, regardless of whether they are saved in RGB or
CMYK colours. It makes no sense if images saved in CMYK colours are
always rendered at 72 DPI, even if the DPI setting in the image is
different, whereas the DPI setting of images saved in RGB colours is
not ignored.

Do you get the point? Or do you simply disagree? ;)


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