[XeTeX] not enough \XeTeXcharclass registers

Mike "Pomax" Kamermans pomax at nihongoresources.com
Mon Dec 14 20:07:08 CET 2015

That sounds pretty encouraging!

- Pomax

On 12/13/2015 6:11 PM, Simon Cozens wrote:
> Here's the relevant code:
>        p:=cur_chr; scan_usv_num;
>        p:=p+cur_val;
>        n:=sf_code(cur_val) mod @"10000;
>        scan_optional_equals;
>        scan_char_class;
>        define(p,data,cur_val*@"10000 + n);
> scan_char_class calls scan_int (which will scan a number up to
> 2147483647) and then ensures it is between 0 and 256. It's then scaled
> up by << 16 and put into the table of equivalents by eq_define which
> expects its final parameter to be a halfword. The maximum value of a
> halfword is 1073741823, which I guess gives you a theoretical maximum of
> 16383 character classes.
> It *might* be that if you up the maximum in scan_char_class it will all
> just work.... right?
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