[XeTeX] wrong r+vocalic r ligature in FreeSerif font
Steve White
stevan.white at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 21:06:59 CET 2014
Here's what you *can* do.
It is free software. It's GPLed, but ... unless it is tested and
officially released by FreeFont project, it is NOT FREEFONT.
What you can do, is
* Re-name the font,
* Provide a repository for its sources, freely available to anybody
* Make sure the documentation all points to your NEW site.
* Release it independently of FreeFont, as GPL'ed software.
The thing is, we will not be responsible for any problems caused by
the release of sofware that we know to have serious problems. We are
overburdened as it is. (And this action is NOT helping...)
But we can work this out.
On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Steve White <stevan.white at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yikes.
> Please please do not ever distribute the SVN version of FreeFont.
> It is NOT the official release. It is BROKEN. It is for DEVELOPMENT
> Please, do not force us to hide the SVN.
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks to Norbert Preining, there's now a TeXlive repo for the SVN release
>> of the GNU FreeFonts. See
>> http://cikitsa.blogspot.co.at/2014/12/gnu-freefont-fonts-and-xelatex.html
>> So that it gets into the XeTeX at tug.org archive, what Norbert said is:
>>> Please do:
>>> tlmgr repository add http://www.tug.org/~preining/tlptexlive/ tlptexlive
>>> tlmgr pinning add tlptexlive gnu-freefont
>>> tlmgr install --reinstall gnu-freefont
>>> You should see something like:
>>> [~] tlmgr install --reinstall gnu-freefont
>>> ...
>>> [1/1, ??:??/??:??] reinstall: gnu-freefont @tlptexlive [12311k]
>>> ...
>>> Note the
>>> @tlptexlive
>>> After that you can do
>>> tlmgr info gnu-freefont
>>> and should see:
>>> package: gnu-freefont
>>> category: Package
>>> installed: Yes
>>> revision: 3007
>>> sizes: src: 27157k, doc: 961k, run: 19769k
>>> relocatable: No
>>> collection: collection-fontsextra
>>> Note the
>>> revision: 3007
>>> which correspondends to the freefont subversion revision!!!
>>> >From now on, after the pinning action, updates for gnu-freefont will
>>> *ALWAYS* be pulled from tlptexlive (see man page of tlmgr).
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