[XeTeX] Malayalam typesetting using XeLaTeX

NMPOST7 nmpost7 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 22:42:17 CET 2013

On 14/11/2013 22:25, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> No, see my example. I have added Mapping=malayalamnumerals to the font
> definition. Whenever you switch to Malayalam, all Arabic digits will
> be converted automatically. They will be converted just before they
> are printed, not in the aux files. For instance, the .toc file of our
> book contains:
> \contentsline {chapter}{ज़्देन्येक वाग्नेर\,:\hspace {.5em}ताजमहल}{14}
> \contentsline {chapter}{अरुणा राय\,:\hspace {.5em}चुंबन}{18}
> \contentsline {chapter}{ज़्देन्येक वाग्नेर\,:\hspace {.5em}हे मकड़ी}{22}
> \contentsline {chapter}{अरुणा राय\,:\hspace {.5em}जो मिरा इक महबूब है}{24}
> \contentsline {chapter}{ज़्देन्येक वाग्नेर\,:\hspace {.5em}मेघ}{26}
> \contentsline {chapter}{अरुणा राय\,:\hspace {.5em}मेरे सपनों का राजकुमार}{28}
> \contentsline {chapter}{ज़्देन्येक वाग्नेर\,:\hspace {.5em}स्वर}{30}
> \contentsline {chapter}{अरुणा राय\,:\hspace {.5em}मौन का हाथ}{32}
> You see that the page numbers are Arabic but they will be converted to
> Devanagari because this part of the table of contents is printed in
> the Hindi environment.
> If you do not wish to convert all numbers, do not add the mapping to
> the font definition and only at the places where conversion should
> occur, use within a group \addfontfeatures{Mapping=malayalamnumerals}.

Thank you. I prefer all the numbers to be in Malayalam.
I tried to compile the document (attachment) with the line I mentioned


the compiler came me an error message

! Undefined control sequence.
\thesection ->\malayalamnumerals
l.51 \section{പ്രാരംഭഃ }


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