[XeTeX] Problem with Turkish dotted I (U+0130) in headers

Alessandro Ceschini alessandroceschini.it at gmail.com
Thu May 30 14:45:26 CEST 2013

In a document like this:*

    |\documentclass*[*|*|a4paper, 12p|*|t]{boo|*|k}
    \defaultfontfeatures{Language=Turkish, Mapping=tex-text}
    \setmainfont{Linux Libertine G}





**Now, what's in the header is small caps, right? So, it gets 
capitalized, but the problem is that "i" gets capitalized in Turkish as 
dotted I, that is: "İ" (U+0130) and this, XeLaTeX doesn't do. Is there a 
way to enjoin it to do so?

Alessandro Ceschini

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