[XeTeX] generating a booklet pdf a4 to a5 in XeLaTeX
Axel Kielhorn
tex at axelkielhorn.de
Tue Dec 3 08:14:03 CET 2013
Am 02.12.2013 um 23:23 schrieb NMPOST7:
> The only remaining problem : the margin. The pages on the right (and the cover)
> run off the margins.
No, they don't. Your paper runs out.
The A5 paper is 420 x 595 points.
The resulting A4 paper should be twice that size: 595 x 840 points (the exact value is 841 points.)
But the final.pdf is only 612 x 792 points, this looks like letter instead of A4.
> Regarding pdfpages: I had a quick look at the documentation. I shall read it
> again, when I have a bit more energy.I shall be grateful for your explanation on
> how to use your file below:
> %!TEX TS-program = pdflatex
> %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
> \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article}
> \usepackage{geometry}
> \geometry{verbose,a4paper,top=0mm,bottom=0mm,inner=0mm,twoside,nofoot,pdftex}
^ target size ^ no margins ^ engine used
> \usepackage{pdfpages}
> \begin{document}
> \includepdf[pages={-},
^ all pages
> landscape,
> %nup=1x2,
> %openright,
> signature=32,
> noautoscale,
> scale=1,
> %frame
> ]{A5.pdf} % <- Your source PDF filename goes here
^ I thought this was obvious
> \end{document}
I hope this helps.
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