[XeTeX] generating a booklet pdf a4 to a5 in XeLaTeX

Marco Pessotto melmothx at gmail.com
Sun Dec 1 10:14:30 CET 2013

NMPOST7 <nmpost7 at gmail.com> writes:

> Dear All,
> I have a script, which I downloaded from the net (I think from Stackexchange)
> for generating booklets (a5 format from a4). The script works well for my LaTeX
> documents. (Engine: latex)
> As I am doing documentation in Malayalam using XeLaTeX I woul appreciate any
> help in changing the script that generates the booklet

That script uses the psutils route, starting from dvi. With XeLaTeX you
get PDF, so you may want to use another solution.

I'd suggest my perl module https://metacpan.org/release/PDF-Imposition
(to be installed, e.g., with "cpanm PDF::Imposition" or equivalent
methods) which, if I understand correctly, does exactly what you want.

See https://metacpan.org/pod/PDF::Imposition::Schema2up.

The module will install an executable "pdf-impose.pl", which you can
call against the pdf.

E.g. pdf-impose.pl my.pdf

Best wishes


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