[XeTeX] XeLaTeX and SIunitx

Tobias Schoel liesdiedatei at googlemail.com
Fri May 11 18:36:22 CEST 2012


I have done a few tests with the problematic symbols in siunitx (namely 
micro, ohm, angstrom, celsius, degree/arcsecond/arcminute) and different 
math fonts. You'll find source and result attached. As I don't have 
access to commercial fonts (which includes MS Fonts), I could only test 
some of them. The results aren't overwhelming.

Is it possible and acceptable to include a package option or 
sisetup-option which makes the suitable definitions? It shouldn't be 
default, even when loading fontspec in xetex, but easily accessible.




Tobias Schoel
Europaschule Kairo
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