[XeTeX] Fake slanted font variants

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Jan 18 17:13:28 CET 2012


When I use my old procedures of


and then either

	\DeclareRobustCommand{\textsl}[1]{{\slanted #1}}


	\renewcommand{\textsl}[1]{{\slshape #1}}

the KOMA-Script letter class scrlttr2 barfs when I use

	\opening{\textsl{Liebes Katerchen,}}

(although I am not that sure that there is not another bug in my preamble). So I decided to set up the font this way:

  \setmainfont[UprightFont     = *-Roman,
               BoldFont        = *-Bold,
               ItalicFont      = *-Italic,
               BoldItalicFont  = *-BoldItalic,
               SlantedFeatures = {AutoFakeSlant=0.194},
%               SlantedFeatures = {FakeSlant},
%               AutoFakeSlant   = 0.194,			% very faulty
%               SlantedFont     = [FakeSlant=0.194]*,
%               SlantedFont     = [RawFeature={slant=0.194}],
%               BoldSlantedFont = [RawFeature={slant=0.190}]*-Bold]

But nothing works and produces the desired result this direct way. Where am I misunderstanding fontspec?



$ sumascii BILL GATES
  B   I   L   L   G   A   T   E   S 
 66+ 73+ 76+ 76+ 71+ 65+ 84+ 69+ 83 = 663

 and add 3 because he's Bill Gates the third.

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