[XeTeX] Font selection problem

Haines Brown haines at histomat.net
Thu Apr 26 14:57:23 CEST 2012

I'm migrating from LaTeX to XeLaTeX on Debian Squeeze with TL2100. The
Arphic fonts are installed and work properly with LaTeX. But I'm having
trouble with XeLaTeX.

For example:

    \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}
    \setCJKmainfont{AR PL KaitiM GB}
    \newfontfamily\sungtiGB{AR PL SungtiL GB}


        Main font: 无为

        Sung font: {\sungtiGB 无为}


The chinese characters are all displayed om main font AR PL KaitiM GB
but the newfontfamily rather than the other fonts specified.

Haines Brown

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