[XeTeX] Always bold math & strange unicode-math behaviour

Tobias Schoel liesdiedatei at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 17 17:33:05 CEST 2011

Am 17.10.2011 17:19, schrieb Ulrike Fischer:
> Am Fri, 14 Oct 2011 12:55:39 +0200 schrieb Tobias Schoel:
>> But \mathbf{} works. \boldmath and \mathversion{bold} shouldn't care,
>> whether bold math is achieved with a bold type face or faked. It should
>> only work like invoking \mathbf{} at the beginning of each \(\) and \[\].
>> Is there a workaround or do I need to type \mathbf{} at the beginning of
>> each \(\) myself?
> You shouldn't use \mathbf to make large part of an equation bold.
> \mathbf is meant for single symbols and only for things like numbers
> and characters. In unicode math it works by mapping them to other
> unicode position. E.g. a \mathbf{0} is the MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT
> ZERO character at position U+1D7CE.
OK. I wasn't used to this when using normal latex. Of course I don't use 
bold math often, but for school it sometimes happens.

> http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1d7ce/index.htm
> If you want a bold math font you should at best use a font which has
> a bold face.
Is there any good unicode-math font with a bold face (Asana Math and 
XITS Math don't work)?

In other case you will have to fake it:
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{unicode-math} % Interesting Line 1
> \setmathfont{Asana Math}
> \setmathfont[version=bold,FakeBold=3.5]{Asana Math}
> \begin{document}
> $\sqrt{\frac{\pi r^2}{4}}$
> \mathversion{bold}
> $\sqrt{\frac{\pi r^2}{4}}$
> \end{document}
> (It works fine with xelatex but for me not with lualatex.)
Thanks for the clarifications and the hint to fakebold.



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