[XeTeX] End of Ayyat 06DD

Tilman Hannemann tilmanh at uni-bremen.de
Sun May 15 17:26:46 CEST 2011

Dear list,

Years ago Jonathan posted a hack that allowed to use the End of Ayyat Sign U+06DD:


His solution, originally intended for XeTeX, worked quite well in XeLaTeX with minor adjustments. I used a command like the one below to include numerals in the End of Ayyat sign of the Scheherazade font:

\newcommand{\num}[1]{\char"202E\char"06DD #1\char"202C\relax}

However, in Texlive 2010 (OSX 10.6.7), the command seems to be broken as the number appears now on the left hand of the sign and not inside. Does anybody know how I could restore the original behavior?

All my best, Tilman

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