[XeTeX] Text on a path (was : Drop-shadows with outline fonts in XeTeX ?)

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Jun 4 22:05:09 CEST 2011

And here, by way of demonstration, is a first approximation
to the Thai-An logo, with grateful thanks for your suggestion !

\hsize = 297 true mm

\vsize = 210 true mm

\pdfpagewidth = \hsize

\pdfpageheight = \vsize

\advance \hsize by -2 true in

\advance \vsize by -2 true in


\input tikz

\usetikzlibrary {decorations.text}

\font \Westernfont = "Palatino Linotype/B: color=0000FF" at 72 bp

\font \Easternfont = "AR PL KaitiM Big5/B: color=FF0000; embolden=3" at 
72 bp

\font \Decorationfont = "Palatino Linotype/B: color=008000" at 24 bp

\setbox 0 = \hbox



    \tikzset {/pgf/decoration/text align/align={center}}

    \draw [decorate, decoration={text along path,
    text={|\Decorationfont| www.thai-an.co.uk}}]

    (xyz polar cs: angle=120, x radius=5, y radius=2) arc (180:000:5 and 2);

    \draw [decorate, decoration={text along path,
    text={|\Decorationfont| Authentic Oriental Cuisine}}]

    (xyz polar cs: angle=240, x radius=5, y radius=2) arc (180:360:5 and 2);



\hrule height 0 pt depth 0 pt


\centerline {\Easternfont ??}

\centerline {\Westernfont Thai-An}

\kern -0,7 \ht 0

\centerline {\box 0 }




** Phil.

Tobias Schoel wrote:
> Hi,
> TikZ does the job in XeLaTeX (should also work in plain XeTeX, but 
> that's your domain)
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