[XeTeX] epsdice package.

Michael Joyner mjoyner at vbservices.net
Sun Jul 17 00:42:22 CEST 2011

On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at web.de> wrote:

> Am 16.07.2011 um 23:32 schrieb Michael Joyner:
>  How would one leverage that to handle my font defines of (below) for
>> only a fixed range of unicode?
> You either use a loop to activate the up to 128 characters or you use a
> font with Cherokee script and characters support to type Cherokee. Or I
> don't understand your question...
> Jonathan Kew uses this loop in CJKsample.tex:
>        \newcount\n \n="3000 \loop \ifnum\n<"A000
>          \lccode`\~=\n \catcode\n=\active
>          \lowercase{\xdef~{\brk \char\number\n \brk}} \advance\n by 1
> \repeat
> It's also possible to use \XeTeXinterchartoks to bind a character range to
> a particular font (I think). It's documented in The XETEX Companion (a work
> in progress), available for free from CERN – if it still exists (I don't
> know exactly what the strange particles they experiment with can perform).
> This is *way* beyond my current skill level. I use Lyx as a front-end. :)

The font definition I posted has Cherokee glyphs, but I have to fake bold,

As my text is very mixed, I have it set to use only these fonts for the
entire document. I would rather use the default fonts for the English parts
of the text as the fonts that contain the Cherokee glyphs are incomplete (no
smalluppercase, no proper italics, etc). There was one package I tried that
was supposed to allow switching between fonts based on unicode range, game
me results that were less than pleasing. Whatever font state which was in
effect before a switch is not restored. You have to specify a specific
switch back, not something that is very friendly. (fontspec says you should
encap font changes in {} blocks so that at the end of the block the previous
font settings are "restored", but the only package I could find that let me
specify fonts via unicode range does not follow that paradigm)

> You don't need to type everything in only one font!
> --
> Greetings
>  Pete
> People say that if you play Microsoft CD's backwards, you hear satanic
> things, but that's nothing, because if you play them forwards, they install
> MS Windows.
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   - Learn to speak Cherokee: http://www.cherokeelessons.com/
   - Cherokee Language Help BBS/Chat:
   - Cherokee Lessons PDF made with: http://www.lyx.org/
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