[XeTeX] Isomath, Mathspec and Siunitx
le.farfadet.spatial at free.fr
le.farfadet.spatial at free.fr
Tue Jul 5 10:36:34 CEST 2011
Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at web.de> wrote:
> First, Michael Niedermair wrote three weeks ago to include into your
> LaTeX document the line
> \usepackage{libertine}
Are you sure you are not mistaking me with someone else? It is the first time I
am posting about this issue on this list. I have, indeed, post about this on
fr.comp.text.tex (the french TeX newsgroup), but Michael never post there, and
nobody told me about "\usepackage{libertine}".
Do not be mistaken: I am happy that somebody tries and help me, I just do not
want my issue being taken for another one.
By the way, I have add "\usepackage{libertine}", but it did not changed
> The recent version of Libertine is here:
Then, I will download it and try again.
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