[XeTeX] xeindex bug. index entry mangles processing of section and chapter environments.

Michael Joyner michael at newsrx.com
Tue Feb 15 19:03:57 CET 2011

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Paul Isambert <zappathustra at free.fr> wrote:

> Nice, you've just discovered a bug in XeSearch.

Bleck. I don't consider it nice. Why am I the one always finding these bugs
that don't afflict other people? :(

> Basically, it builds an horizontal box; \section inserts a vertical command
> (\vskip) at the end of its argument; but TeX doesn't like vertical commands
> in horizontal boxes, hence the complaining. This happens only when searching
> for phrases, not simple words, because such things as \vskip are boundaries
> to XeSearch, so it normally closes the box, but boundaries are ignored when
> searching for phrases.
Just ran into a case where it occurs for a single word. Please see example
document below.

> Right now I can only recommend stopping the search before the section title
> and starting it again after. I know it's far from satisfying, but I have to
> think about a better solution.
Haven't quite figured out how to do that yet without changing lots of stuff
not directly related to the indexing so I was trying to index just "words"
and not "phrases". :)

.sty)) (./000000234.out) (./000000234.out) [1]
! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text>
l.69 \subsection*{\underbar{Herpes Simplex Virus}}

! Emergency stop.
<inserted text>
l.69 \subsection*{\underbar{Herpes Simplex Virus}}

** WARNING ** Failed to convert input string to UTF16...
** WARNING ** Failed to convert input string to UTF16...
Output written on 000000234.pdf (1 page).
Transcript written on 000000234.log.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\usepackage[unicode=true, pdfusetitle,
 breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=false]


\setmainfont{Century Schoolbook L}

%%not enough "save_memory" can be allocated unless you use the patched
%,?™} the ™ does not seem to index correctly as part of a word, only shows
up by itself

%\input{\jobname-inc-preamble} %include externally generated latex code for
the preamble

\usepackage{xeindex} %

%add the index to the toc // done this way to try and make pdf bookmark

\pdfbookmark[1]{Title Page}{titlePage}

\title{Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) for the Healthcare

\author{Published by:  Inform Editions}




\subsection*{\underbar{Herpes Simplex Virus}}


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